
Practice Hours

8AM To 6PM (Monday – Friday)

9AM To 12 Midday (Saturday)

Closed on Sunday & Public Holidays

Welcome to Canterbury Medical Clinic

Welcome to Our Family Health Clinic

This website contains most of the important information you need to know about Canterbury Medical Clinic. It will introduce the doctors and staff to you, and summarise the information about how we can provide you and your family with the best continuing medical care. If there is anything you are unsure of, or if you have any questions then please ask any one of the staff or doctors when you visit the clinic.

Clinic Details

Canterbury Medical Clinic is the only medical clinic in the Canterbury area. It has been operating since the late 1940’s and provides holistic care to it’s community. The clinic is centrally situated near Maling Road, and has a large public carpark behind it, accessible from Delany Close off Rochester Road.

Practice Statement

Mission Statement

Canterbury Medical Clinic is committed to providing a high standard of care for the benefit of each patient’s health and well-being.

Practice Philosophy

Our aim is to provide our patients with the highest possible quality of care, by ensuring excellence in all aspects of our practice. We will endeavour to provide patients with the best and most current treatments, methods, materials and equipment within our resources to ensure a high standard of service.

Teamwork is highly valued, and encouraged, within the practice to promote a harmonious and productive environment. We place great importance in ethical and responsible behaviour as being essential to maintain the trust and loyalty of our patients and staff.

Ethical Care

We commit to ethical care of our patients.

We promote staff understanding of ethical patient care by  –

  1. Staff education and reading material
  2. Small team discussion
  3. Access to our senior doctor/management for mentorship and guidance in this area

Medical Students

We currently take medical students from Melbourne University, but are also accredited to take medical students from Monash and Deakin Universities.

We also take GP registrars for post graduate training, and Dr Addis is accredited with the Victorian Metropolitan Alliance (VMA), as a training provider for all four six month terms of GP training for GP registrars wishing to enter general practice as a career.

Affiliations & Accreditations

We are an accredited medical practice with Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL), undergoing rigorous evaluation once every three years.