
Practice Hours

8AM To 6PM (Monday – Friday)

9AM To 12 Midday (Saturday)

Closed on Sunday & Public Holidays

Clinic Hours and Related Information

Opening hours

Canterbury Medical Clinic is open

  • From 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and
  • 9am to 12midday Saturday.
  • We are closed on all public holidays and Sunday.
  • After hours services are avaliable by calling our number after clinic hours and you will be transferred.

Recall and reminder letters

These are performed for all patients for most routine tasks, and are entered into our electronic recall system.

Patients may be asked if they permit the doctor or nurse to contact them (reminder or recall) using our secure SMS service or by phone.

In some instances a letter will be sent to the patients address.

Telephone consultations

We try to keep interruption of consultations to a minimum. You can help by giving your message to the receptionist who is trained to take these details. The receptionist, nurse or doctor will then ring you back.

Home visits

These are available when needed, so please ring as early in the day as you can. Please remember more facilities are available at the surgery than at home, and home visits can be delayed.

Interpreter service

For patients where English is their second language Canterbury Medical Clinic has access to a telephone interpreter service. Please let the receptionist know if you are in need of this service during your consultation.

Pathology services

Pathology services are available most mornings onsite. fasting bloods are done from 8am, so fasting bloods can be taken in a time efficient manner.

Repeat prescriptions, certificates and referrals

Patients may request repeat prescriptions, referrals and certificates over the phone.
A fee is charged if these are not issued at the time of your usual medical consultation.
Generally a consultation will be necessary for a document to be legally issued.

Particularly if

  1. You have not been seen recently by your GP,
  2. If the prescription is for a medication not yet prescribed by your GP or
  3. If a new referral has not yet been written by your GP

In these instances or the doctor advises that there is a medical need then you will be asked to make a clinic appointment.


You are able to park at the rear of our building, in the public car park behind us – accessible from Delany Close via Balwyn Road or Rochester Road. People unable to walk down the ramp from the public park should park in either Canterbury Road, or our parks behind the clinic.

An entrance to the clinic for those who are disabled is available from the lane at the side of the clinic. Please phone the receptionist and advise that you need this entrance.

You are only able to board and alight at that spot, so please make sure you have your emergency flashing indicators on.

Waiting times

We try to minimise waiting times on the telephone and in the waiting room, and we try to communicate our medical findings and decisions to our patients in an efficient and understandable way.

The doctor will advise when to ring or come to the surgery to get your Pathology/blood test results

It is advisable to phone for your results between 11 am and 2 pm Monday to Friday. In most cases the receptionist will contact the nurse or a senior staff member to speak to you.

Patient feedback

This is via our triennial patient feedback questionnaire.

The questionnaire is overseen by an independent body as per the Accreditation Standards. Results of the survey/questionnaire are communicated to the patients, staff and Accreditation Agency.

Patients are encouraged to provide feedback at any time.